Would you like to save $58,000.01?

Buy this watch and you can too…:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I broke my watch this morning but I dont think Ill be replacing it with that.

Seriously who spends that much on a fucking watch?

An ugly fucking watch at that.

Classic PJB


do you have this statement saved in wordpad, but you just change the nouns? kinda like madlibs or in your case sadlibs.

I bought two.

Totally worth it. I havent found a watch yet that is water resitant to 3300’, where I typically go for a morning swim.

I want to know what happens to this watch at 3301’.

the tumor on the side of it releases gremlins?

It grants the wearer the ability to stop time

People who have disposable income. $80-90k isn’t even that much compared to some other watches I’ve seen. I thought mine were expensive at first, at $2400 and $4200, but that’s not shit compared to some other quality brands.

the comments on this are hilarious.

Since the saving’s on this deal were so good, I bought 2 of them.

True…but IMO if you have that much of a disposable income you should be donating to charities not spending it on a watch. I guess some people just think having expensive watches makes them important?:ponder

that thing looks like a fucking dump

i’ll take 8-10 classy as fuck rolexs over one of those, thanks.

Most “rich” people donate to charities. Most people become rich because they want money and earned it. Having disposable income to spend on yourself once in a while to treat yourself should come with the territory, no?

No I agree, treating yourself is fine…but spending it on something a little more useful for the price would make more since, buying a watch like that just seems like someone is trying to show off.

The Zenith Men’s Defy Xtreme Tourbillon Titanium Chronograph Watch or Z.M.D.X.T.B.T.C.M. as I like to call it, is by far the most awesome watch. Chuck Norris riding into the Super Bowl on the back of Godzilla and round house kicking the crowd is no where near as awesome as this priceless poon magnet. When I was just moments from sending my $100k to some needy neo-hippie help group, I stumbled onto this gem. It was like the heavens opened and Jesus himself appeared with this same watch on. I mean how can you not follow Jesus when he’s rocking a watch of this caliber. So I asked “What would Jesus do?” Jesus pimp smacked me and said “Forget those hippies, buy the watch!” I was like “HECK YEAH.” I busted out my Discover card and bought this rocking piece of art. I mean its art but its also practical too. Like when I take my summer trips to the Marianas Trench, I have no more worries that I am going to miss Tea Time back on the yacht, because water ruined my watch again. It can withstand the immense pressures of the deep due to the wicked awesome titanium. Deep seas, cant beat this. Bullets cant beat this. Heck, I can deflect cruise missiles and the apocalypse. With a watch like this you don’t need to tell time, you tell people what time it is.
