Would you like to SEE how UNIONS affect overhead costs?


My uncle has worked at the Ford plant forever, and if I remember right, they were paying him 95% of his pay to NOT come to work. They just didn’t need him. He would stay home most of the summer laying by the pool or getting ripped at the golf course. When the retirement deals came out last year, he thought about it and declined, he didn’t want to give up a job like that.

Same uncle who borrowed my dad’s butter yellow 1983 AMC Eagle wagon to drive to work for a week, even though my dad offered him his '02 Civic. He wouldn’t drive the Honda, but the Eagle with the hatch duct-taped shut was just fine:mamoru:


Its funny you say that because right before i quit curtis screw they were in trouble, (they still are but whenever for and gm are in trouble so are they obviously). But they were high on toyotas list for a few new parts for the camry transmission and if we got that job it wouldve pretty much been smooth sailin for a while. Well every single union employee would not shut up about how they aint makin shit for those jap fucks and they can take their bussiness elsewhere and blah blah blah. So am i getting this right, they would rather be unemployed than make parts for a japanese car company? Damn those are some strong beliefs