Would you stay in it if it was on fire?

Would you stay in it if it was on fire?

What, a building? :slight_smile:

I’m not even going to vote and get involved in this one…

you should be able to get out and if ur wearing the right stuff u will be ok

if ur meaning it blows up on you catches fire as ur going down the track yes

Catches fire as your going down the track,
esp on national television,

Id be a man and stay in it… :rofl:

depends on where its on fire

no. cause when my car caught fire at 1st-try, i got the fuck out

if there was nothing to lose i guess stay on it

Chuck norris can walk on water…BUT…Quik can walk on water n juggle at the same time…wise man once said…never keep all ur liters in a truck…truck may go BOOM with big head hull…

My first car 69 VW bug ragtop, hell no i didn’t stay in it, and i’ll never own another vw.



if it was my race car and i have money- yes. you can always build another and hell its only 1 pass.

daily driver- hell no

Dumb Question :rolleyes:

definately stayin in it…esp if on TV…i wanna keep my manhood for sure:blue:

if ur gonna lose the car if u lift, then in it to win it top fuel style.

way to go fuck head and start shit again…best be quiting


I’d pull over, get out and take a seat on the guard rail and watch it burn. If I was on national TV I’d throw my helmet and fire jacket on it just for effect.:nuts:

see it was only the carb that did that. alot of carbs like to back fire and stay burning.

x2, his car wasnt going to do anything crazy, it was just a piece of shit motor that all it was going to doo was blow up, not catch him or his car on fire

1.) i’d never race in a ford.
2.) whens the last time a chevy caught fire.

floor it till your eyebrows are singed!