wow 2 days later and im back from Nebraska..

14 hours there - overnight stay - pick up car… drive 15 hours back… traffic in chicago sucks and its dirty… white castle is so so … the car is bad ass… sloshelbys car will get raped… toll roads suck… and i only ised 28 gallons of gas on a 900 mile hike… not bad i dont think… what pics i could take ill put up in the am when i wake up… pics of the car later in the afternoon.

What did you buy? Must have been a good deal to go that far!

I sold a car…delivered it to Witchita, KS…I’ll never do that again!

sounds good…good to hear u didnt have anyproblems with the car!!!

yeah long ass drive… 15 hours in a car by yourself… is crazy…

wasa good deal… 90 cutlass international… quad 4 5 speed… leather and a lot of teh features i wanted… oh yeah 64000 miles on it… and it was 1500. never gonna find that shit around here.

congrats,glad u made it ok!

hopefully i can make it down there one day soon to hang out… maybe in like 2 weeks gotta pay money to get it titled…