So what is the falcity I will spread today? I’m going to drink my coffee and think about it.
yes most of the more minute ideas on there are stupid but there are 5 or so ideas that work mesurably.
personally im glad that some people care about this shit… im not going to spend my weekends doing double blind mpg tests or w/e
anonym that link or whatever, so they dont find this.
i cut my belt yesterday … the only problem i had was today my BATT. light started to flash and my radio died…and my heat would not heat up… i dont know i got to work and parked it so we will see what happens on my drive home
Mike I came up with a better idea for you.
what is that jim guy
what you really want me to work today
here come 16 pts … i can see it now
The amount of money some of these people waste on saving gas is just mind boggling. :fail:
Originally Posted by KU40
Isn’t this also because the rear wheels are wanting to go straight?
No, inanimate objects don’t “want” to do anything. They just obey the laws of physics.
I can’t even look anymore. I’m done trolling.
haha, the mod said youre not that bad
"Your posts were not particularly incindiery, though that one about lug nuts probably should have been clearly marked as a joke else someone might actually take it seriously.
Other users are far worse."
they deleted MPGay’s posts
i think we should all post in this one
Mike are you still logged in? Go post an “it’s a tarp!” pic for our final farewell!
link the thread