Gas Saving Mods on the Civic!

My gassaver project…
Well after driving to NYC and getting about 36-40mpg at a constant speed of 75-80mph which i think is amazing…this is the car fully stock with the exception of a ebay intake and a turbo style muffler.
Here is what it looks like…
1993 Honda Civic LX Sedan
206k miles
First drive:
9.082 Gallon = 334.8 miles so 36.831 mpg
5.081 Gallon = 205.9 miles so 40.523 mpg
I will get a hold of some coroplast this weekend and do the grille block and rear wheel skit and front/rear wheel air dam.
After the grill block mod
Achieving about 41mpg with 2 peope and full luggage, food, and tools driving 80mph
then about 37mpg with 4 people and full luggage and extra, tools and other stuff. 85mph-90mph
This was my trip down to Miami, Florida from Buffalo,NY and Back without any problems except the opening had to be enlarge for max cooling in south carolina to miami florida. [10inx5in]
Yea driving to florida i didnt have the mpg in mind because i was in the “LET ME JUST GET TO MY DESTINATION!!!” mentality lol. i want to be over 50mpg by the summer.

This is all using 87 Octane so i might get alittle more out of 93 Octane i suppose.

her is what she looks like with duct tape for a grile block and a small repair i made lol
if you can see there is that small opening on the other side for my radiator…
yes the license plate number is legal but not the mounting and photocopy of it:)

The DIY is the Duct Tape Grill Block. just start taping your grille opening lol.

thats pretty good, keep a log of all your fills

how much psi in the tires?

35psi, it could be higher to get more mpg but i had it balanced and did up by a freind so i kept it at that.
got tire from eMkay Thanks agian!!!
there is a long on the bottom of my sig click on it and it will tell you every fill up i had.

You could try going a little narrower than stock on the tires. I know the Prius runs on a special low rolling resistance tire but I’m not sure if you can find tires rated by their rolling resistance anywhere.

There are huge gains to be had by following a semi over a long distance. Mythbusters did an episode about that I was surprised at how far back you could be and still get considerably better MPG.

very true. but im hate when i cant see the road ahead of me. like when i drive behing a truck/van etc.
someone on drove behind a semi and seen a 75mpg compared to a 50mpg. I do know that it is true. Less Resistance Definitely = More Gas Mileage. I forgot what size tires i have on it now.

@10 feet Mythbusters had a Dodge Magnum (looked like the V6 model) up to 44mpg. The complete results:

55mph control: 32mpg
100ft: 35.5mpg, 11% improvement
50ft: 38.5mpg, 20%
20ft: 40.5mpg, 27%
10ft: 44.5mpg, 39%
2ft: 41mpg, 29%

I was surprised by the 11% at 55mph at 100 feet.

Is 100ft a “safe” trailing distance when moving at 75-80 mph?

so the mod was the duct tape?

That was at 55mph. That vortex is going to get pushed out farther at 75-80 so you could probably increase that distance and still see a savings.

Not something I’m willing to do for a few bucks, just pointing out the physics.

Sure :slight_smile: It’s not like they stop suddenly. I used to follow much closer in my old F150, got 28mpg on one trip from Buffalo to Rome NY. (4.9, 5spd, usually 20mpg)

You want to really save gas? Find an HX tranny.

hell yea like 65 your at 1500 rpm’s

The HX model was offered with the 5-speed manual or a CVT Continuously Variable Transmission which offered three driving ranges

does anyone know if you can just swap final drive? to save gas

Actually I meant HF tranny, I’m not sure an HX tranny fits

You could also throw a taller narrower tire on there. That would decrease your RPM at highway speeds. Be careful about the weight though… That could negate your gearing improvment. Some HX rims might help or if you want to go over the top Honda Insite rims.

Good luck.

well both the same really just hx is 96 and up

a good wax, or dimples .25 deep in a pattern all over the car.

the HF tranny won’t fit, its cable.

The HX tranny might fit.

A cx or VX tranny would be a direct swap.

i never heard about the dimples
for the gear swaps, i have heard someone on craigslist doing like a 6th gear to put the car at around 2k at 80mph.

think golf ball.

throw some wax on it for sure