Wow. This guy is awesome

Ok so it gets a little annoying but make sure you watch til the end.

if the cameras werent there that guy would have gotten killed.

Thats how dirty cops are I guess.

I would have continually tazed the guy just because hes annoying as fuck

that guy rules for getting away, jesus freak or not.

Exactally! I thought it was funny how he told them he was going to defent himself then got away.

thats awesome, that guy must be on crack, who starts singing while being held down by cops?!

:rofl WHAT THE FUCK just happened?!? lol

If that person wasnt there taking video that would have gone much worse for that guy and you could see it in their eyes everytime they looked at the camera.

what was dirty?

yeah how the hell does that make cops dirty, that guy was a fucking retard…idk how they didnt beat his ass senseless

Ok, I’ve watched alot of COPS, and they never let the perp use his hands as much as those cops did.

I think it’s a farce.

IRL they’d be beating his legs with their night sticks.

agreed, i wouldnt think that most cops would let this dumbass do what he was doing, most of the time when they run into some jerk off they detain him whether he likes it or not whether he’s praying or not, read him the miranda and throw him in the car