wowowowowow not safe for your eyes

what you dont understand greg is that i’m probably one of the only people who understands you :slight_smile:

and yes, this is funny after what you said at the track.

it is

and… now i just caught up to the mangina post, jesus i miss working with you.

just to vouch i suppose, that is def greg’s mangina.

dont ask.



swift stop being a lazy bitch lol…sad u can actually recognize my mangina…lol

who posts their mangina on the internet…I mean really?

lol, you need to meet greg, then you wont need to ask that question.

why wouldnt you?


the same guy who still has video of swift screaming like a little girl over a little teeny tiny booger

dude, wasn’t a tiny bugger, and you were trying to put it in my face. Also… after that, i stood my ground and your crazy ass touched your bugger to my tongue the next time. So i was right in freaking out the first time, cause you are a big enough dbag to do that. :slight_smile:

male bonding at its finest…

and he wonders why i’m so reluctant to work with him. like getting up at 5:30am to drive to his house so he can walk around flashing me and taking his sweet ass time to get him, so we can drive to get sealer, sweat my balls off in a truck which the window didnt go down, and attack me with nasty sweaty sealer buggers all day, just to get done working and take random roadtrips all over the capital district while he rocks out to songs rediculously loud and punches me when i try to turn the radio down. Not to mention him being the horniest dude ever.

sigh, the memories.

Sounds like you miss him…a lot…

I’m kinda jealous.

A love gone sour, well salty is more like it for them.

greg just so you know i showed ashton your mangina, and she is still not talking to me. hahahah

it to my face. :slight_smile:

swift thats funny…everytime she sees me shes gonna remember that hahahahaha…

and u see how detailed u are in what we did for work…thats cause u miss every detail of it…awwww lol

not gonna lie, some afternoons i wake up at like 1 or 2, and dont even want to move because i’ve already missed out on 6 or 7 hours of torture. Pretty depressing.

i mean damn swift with the economy u should be hapy someones offering ur lazy broke ass a job…lol