wrapping xmas presents

A coworker and I came up with the ultimate wrapping methodology, especially for gifts for females.

  1. Wrap outside in classifieds section, using masking tape, with various ads circled/highlighted, etc. bonus points for using the personals section.

  2. After initial disgust of receiving a present wrapped this way, they are shocked and uplifted upon unwrapping to see that it is a teal Tiffany’s box. Classifieds wrapping is immediately forgiven.

  3. Inside Tiffany’s box is a target gift card.


Wow. Thread might as well be called “how to insure that you don’t get a blowjob ever again”.


not if you got real pimp skills like brett


Classic. I am so bad at wrapping this could work.

I recall a friend did this once, bought a Tiffanys box only off ebay, but jewelry from somewhere else ie walmart in it. The chick was omgzers head over heels in love… what an idiot she was lol.

terrible idea

rotfl @ target, thats like the worse store ever.

good shit, i laughed.

ahahaha i suck at wrapping presents too, infact i wrapped something earlier in the niagara gazette from like a week or so agao, and apprently the article and the picture of the girl on the present has aids / is about aids.


pretty sure k-mart, wal-mart or any of the other bulk retailers are worse than target, lol.

but everyone on this site knows you have terrible taste

I just pay the ladies at the store to wrap shit for me…


I just spray all packages flat black and add a bow. Fast and easy.

Ever been in a Wal-Mart?

i once ruined a white hat with newspaper wrapping…fuck black ink.

i just finished a 2 hour ordeal trying to wrap my presents. I fail at this horrible. ugh it looks like a retard with no fingers wrapped them! oh well, no need to fill out the “From” portion of the to and from tag, because everyone will know they are from me by the wrapping.


i haven’t bought one thing yet, tomorrow is going to rule

My gf just showed me a quick trick with wrapping presents, so I’ve been pounding them (her) out all day.