I kick ass and take names.
My posts have a +/-16% tolerance
If you are dumb, go away.
I much prefer big booty bitches.
MAN, you ARE bad at math.
LOL. Math fail X 2.
5 words + (5 words x 16%) = 5.8 words.
I wanna change mine…
I dislike most people on NYSpeed.
*Cut me some slack on the NYSpeed being 1, 2, or 3 words FGGTs.
6 words - (6 words x 16.66667%) = 4.99
extremely smart and thinks a lot.
Cant even post properly with tolerances
Got laid off, drinking Evan Williams.
16 /= 16.66667!
6 - 6 * .16 = 5.04
But you’re right about that being the correct way to tolerance.
Kevin Williams?
That would be a hate crime.
Im not affraid to die today.
I am here for the lols
I’d say this is my serious one
“Life comes once, live it fully.”
“I steal quotes from inspirational posters.”
Digging full bodied chicks and graves.
Thinking American Society is’a Cum Dumpster.
Renzo resides reconditely rendered rapacious indefinitely.