WT Borrow tranny jack or ATV jack

i dont feel like doing a solo bench press of this tranny im working on, looking for a low profile atv jack or an actual tranny jack to borrow ASAP.


How long do you need it for?

not very long. ill be at etown tomorrow, so its gonna be a monday project.

188k on the stock clutch, pulled the clutch off the P/P has the original machine markings on it, and the flywheel is very flat still, no grooving, or scalding at all…Toyota :number1

I’ll get back to you, I might have a tranny jack around here somewhere.

word. just something low profile and wide, ive got 2 jacks, but one is a bit small, and ive got to support the motor with one of them… but neither are really as big of a surface as id like to support the tranny with

im gonna try without it, and just hoist is up, but if its a no go id like to know something is available.