In Need of a transmission jack to borrow.

need it for about a week at most.

And dont say harbor frieght. they dont have the, tried multiple times

I got one you can use. Not a Snap-On, but it’ll work.

just use a normal jack… its 4 ft off the ground if that

Srsly jeff?

You dont need a trans jack you jackass…

And if your really that bitch and want something use a motorcylce jack… they work wonders they cost about 80 bucks… go buy one

im sure it cant weigh more than a th350 and i have taken one out using a regular jack and my pure muscle(which is in the lacking part)

Just pull the whole motor and trans out in one shot.

hes puttin an auto tranny in for someone

Or this…

but if you dont plan on pulling the motor out anyway may be easier to just yank the trans…

it all depends on the car as well… some cars are a cunt to try and yank a motor when they have all emmisions/plumbing wires etc…

pulling franks auto out
pulling ryans auto out
then putting ryans auto in
(get your mind out of the gutter, i can already see you guys quoting this.)

then i gotta do my clutch on my truck. all this week.
^main reason i need it. You call me a bitch for needing one, then you can hold my tcase/transmission assembly on a floor jack and pray to god 375 lbs dont crush you. kthanks.

i almost bought a atv jack. then my dad being the smart one suggested not to get it bc it has no sides and could roll off. and it was 90. and thats 90 more then i want to spend.

tranny jacks are made to go up 6 or 7 ft in the air while the car is on the lift

Did it on my 300ZX… Did it on a buddy subaru with 2 transmissions…

Long as yoru careful and watching it it wont fall off… also most trans have some sort of a flatspot on them that would work…

They make bullshit bolt on ones for normal floor jacks but their cheap pieces of shit

Which is exactly the type I have if needed

put the car on jackstands, man up, and use your chest.


dont be a bitch

yeah or just get deadbeatfuckwad to bench press it for you