Tranny install

Anybody want to help me put my transmission back in? I’ve got just one jack and me by myself. Me and my dad got the spline shaft about 3 inches below where it needs to go, but thats it…we can’t jack the tranny up any more as the top is hititng the body. Any tips? Want to get this done before it gets too cold.

I got $20 and a bottle of crown royal if you can help me get this done.
I’m in East Scarborough close to pickering.

Let me know,

sorry to hear it.

put someone in the car with a rope (we use seatbelts) to lift the tailstock through the shifter hole… some one else to benchpress the shit in place…

try unbolting the front motor mounts and tilt the motor to get the shaft in canadian tire rents the tools to push the motor back.
hope that helps you out a bit
pm me if u need any more info.

Thanks for the tips! I’ll definitely try lifting it from inside the car. That was a major problem, it was real hard to maneuvuer with so many people under the car each not sure how to guide it in. Great tip! Thanks!

you can do it with out undoing the front mounts, just jack up the front of the motor with a piece of wood between the jack and the crank pully. Just jack up the front untill you see the back of the motor start to go up.

i just did mines and i had two guys one guy in side with a rope and the other underneath benchpressing it up. :slight_smile:

mikey, you’re not done yet… :stuck_out_tongue: