WTB 240sx auto

around 5000
as long as it runs good and bodies not to bad
200XXX or less kms

I cant drive a standard :oops:
nothing to learn on
im located in spruce grove 10 minutes west of edmonton

Buy a standard and learn on it. You’ll regret buying an auto for many many years.

take a standard lesson thru royal driving school
its like 98 bux
i did it and i already knew how to drive stick
the guy explained everything perfectly
you will regret it if you but an auto

yeah well its not my choice at least im aloud to choice my car. My dads buying the car and i have to buy an auto :sad

there was an auto 240 for sale in the old condo i used to live in. i only moved out a month ago. it should still be for sale. the adress is 9620 174th street. its a white a blue condo building. point west on the lake. its black, auto, 91 + not sure of the exact year. had some rust. decent though.

Is there anyway you could stop by there and look for me lol

well i know its still there. they had a for sale sign on it for about a month. they took the sign off after no one was interested. im guessing it will be there. stop by one night. it will be parked there. leave them a note or something. its some older couple :stuck_out_tongue:

hmm i should totally do that creepy stuff there and leave a note for some old people. I`ll do it someday when i find a ride in.

Call your dad a fag for telling you it HAS to be an auto. :wtf:

well its 36 days till my bday then i get a car its not like i`ll fully be able to drive a standard by then

hahaha. Thats pretty harsh.

its still funny lol

well if you HAVE to get an auto

here yah go :slight_smile:


What i did was went to a pontiac dealership back in newfoundland and told the salesmen that i was interested in a sunfire gt 5spd out front but didn’t know how to drive a stick…20 mins later i’m driving pretty good…few more dealerships and i was doing just fine!

I don’t suggest you do this cause its obviously a waste of their time but if you do go to a gm dealer, that make too much money anyway, lol…

But yea, its a stupid reason to get an auto…

ARGH bad link

this one works!


thanks for the adivce lol i might just have to try it one day when im bored out of my mind lol

and thanks for the link decent looking car and low km nice find :smiley:

heres the one i was looking at

if that wasnt an auto i’d pick it up

Its a nice car for 4800 and not bad kms and a nice year too so BLAM :lol: