WTB: AEM O2 sensor

I have a wideband AEM air/fuel and its stuck at 14.8…I think i need sensor if you have 1 laying around let me know asap thanks!

dave, i know it sounds stupid but make sure its hooked up.
if theyre un-plugged, they’ll stay at 14.8ish

I pulled it out today cleaned it and put it back in…idk what elese to do. The little clip also doesnt snap the connector together all the way tho? it seams like its together but it dnt clip down.

Ugh I have one but I think I’m going to need it. Isn’t it just a bosch sensor? Maybe napa or someone would have it.

no it has a special plug on the end…and let me know asap ifur gunna sell it…im kinda scared to get into boost with out it

A narrowband sensor is useless especially with boost

if its showing 14.8 or 5 it makes no differance… it really has no idea where the AFR is

you NEED a wideband

OH, I missed the non part. I have a wideband, It looks like an o2 sensor only the clip is different.

thats a wideband.
hes looking for a wideband o2 sensor

wanna sell it man?

so do you have a narrowband or a wideband


then what is this guy even talking about lol? Swerve may have them, theyre getting a whole bunch of widebands in on wednesday/thursday

in my orig post i put non wideband…long story

lol, i was confused there for a little bit too for a minute haha.

GL dave, i still say just go on ebay and pick one up. There like 20bux. Ull have it in like a week vs trying to fine sombody that has a used one that may not even work becouse that might not even be your problem…so if it doesnt you can always return it if you buy it new…Just a thought.

yea im goin to look now

there not 20 bucks on ebay there like 60-90;(