WTB: Any LSx heads, junk..whatever

Preferably FREE… is always good…

looking for any LS1 casting head, preferably aluminum for ease of lugging around… it doesnt need to be dressed at all, the chambers can be fooked up, doesnt matter. just need some castings for mock up purposes. deck(s) need to be clean enough to mount to a block, same goes for the exhaust flange


YO there is a cylinder head on the shelf at the shop, and if need be I can get the other one back from the machine shop.

:lol: I know the shop is super size, but look in the engine clean room on the bottom shelf

Are we doing some secret project? I am ready to bust out the TIG and teach you

lol…whoops… thought we might have some

ahhh I can hear the ‘Disturbed’ playing already…