Like it says, need some axles for a 96 DX 5-speed. Driver and pass. Boots can be ripped, as long as the Bearings dont make that crack noise, when you turn. Let me know what ya have.

you dont want something with penetrated cv boots

just take your old ones into napa. $120 a piece but you get a $60 core charge back, so $120 for both

ya, I know how much it is, i just wanna spend the least i can. If someone has old ones from a swap lying around, I will take them. I dont care if the boots are ripped because they are only $9 to replace them. I would even take the outer bearings from any honda axle that are still good. Why spend $120 when i can spend $20.

Oh ya, NON ABS.

if you on a whim decide to swap to b series i have extra b series axles laying around

Thanks, but its just a DD.

i have axles…they are a lil rusty, but no rips…75 for the pair

I was thinking a litle less, like axles that are lying around with ripped boots for $20, i just need the bearings.