WTB// B- Series turbo set ups ????

looking for something to get me started… i do not have allot of cash flow so if its pretty cheap and you want to get rid of it let me know.

best bet is to part one together. figure out what you want/need and start searchin h-t, here, and ebay

Or you should just not mod it if you cant afford it.

so you swapped your hatch and did your first turbo setup all at the same time?

Ok Nemo i dont wanna hear it from you.

^^^best and only real way to go unless u have money laying around

:word:… start buying parts at a time…


man this is so cheap you gotta jump on it…seriously its a good deal just ask anyone ill stand by it


yea i think i will start doing that soon enough i just wanted to see what people had for sale.

i have 450cc injectors when you need them jake.