WTB: cingular cell phone

yea so mine is broke, i have like a month and a half of my contract left and im not buying another phone, so im looking to get one cheapor free and asap

hmmm… this is like… exactly my situation…

Did you spike your phone on the ground in the woods next to a fire because the battery was dead too??!?

haha, no i guess i went swimming in lake erie, full clothing, cell phone and all last nite lol, and now its not workin :confused:

I still have my old Nokia…it’s not a color screen or anything, but I paid a ton of cash for it when I bought it…I’ll try to find the model number if ur interested…

i have my old sony you can have for a 6 pack of SN IPA

Motorola V300 for a 4-can pack of guiness.

It was used on T-Mobil but they’re both GSM and I already had to have T-Mobil unlock it for me when I went to Namibia.

anyone looking to upgrade a bit i have a nokia 3650 for 75 bones. all boxes, manuals, and charger included. i’ll even keep the who let the dogs out ringer on it.