WTB compustar


  1. MUST be from a compustar dealer.
  2. MUST be the most advanced model
  3. I know your cost, so don’t overcharge me.

PM Adicted2b00st :ham:


why not ebay?


no warranty

I can take care of you if you want one installed.

If your looking for just the system, at close to dealer cost, don’t want to pay to have it installed, plus have full warrenty on it…then I won’t be of help.

haha yeah didn’t you just see jay the other day…

you remember…right before you sabotaged his ride home :lol:

look, i wanted to get a head of him as far as i could… the fart can on that thing is crazy loud.

and i did talk to jay about it. his prices are a little higher than what i used to pay for them


yea that exhaust has to go… lol

friend of mine does them, for a GREAT price. he’s a professional installer with a compustar account

pm me for details

pm sent :tspry: