Looking for an engine for a 1993 300zx. Not sure all years that the engine is identical to but looking for the exact replacement. It has to be non turbo. Its not my car, the kids parents wont let him get a turbo haha. Any help on where to find one let me know.
put a turbo engine in an n/a car the insurance wont know =)
my friend (kev z32) is also looking for an N/A OR TT 300zx engine, so if theres more than one person, everybody wang chung tonight!
too bad you’re so late in looking…i had my old NA engine for sale a while back…
what’s wrong with the current motor that replacing it would be easier than fixing it?
exactly what my thoughts were…and, na shell is lighter 
piston decided to play alittle to far out into the street lol…its toast…i told them just get a turbo motor while were doing this anyway but apparently thats a strict no. Its not up to me lol let me kno please
how the fuck does the mom know what a turbo is
how do your parents know the diff between the turbo and non turbo motors? and how will they know the difference if you just order it (unless they’re paying for it)?
and for what it’s gonna cost in labor and parts, since i’m assuming you’re not doing the labor yourself…you’re better off declaring the car a loss, and buying another NA since you’re not grown up enough for a TT yet…
whoa, this is not my car. im the one doing the labor. Read the first post…the car is mint besides the blown piston. The kid is 16 years old and his mother doesnt want nothing performance on the car. Not up to me obviously. so still if anyone knows of a motor let me know.