WTB: Fridge

So the fridge we just got is on its last leg too:Idiots…Im looking for a fridge I would be thrilled if I could find one for free, but willing to pay if need be, if anyone knows anyone with one that works please let me know. Thanks! :hug

Just gave a decent one away for free the other day. Could have delivered it with the desk. Bummer!

damnit , knew I should have posted sooner lol, oh well, keep an eye out if u could :thumbup

Sears has a great selection of refrigerators.

ya I rent so Im not buying a new fridge.

I have a good one… $100

Ill post details if u still need one

If you rent your landlord should be replacing that fridge.

ya he did once and the one he bought broke and so now he wont replace another one since he already did.:frowning:

PM will be sent :thumbup

that’s totally illegal of him to do, tell him to get you a real fridge not some used crap, and he has to replace it if the apt came with appliance’s it’s his responsibility.

Ive asked already alot actually, and he still has yet to get us one. I dont know, what can I do from here to make him get us one?

then you need to take him to court because it should be in your contract that its his responsibility to keep up with the appliances

this is correct, you need to start buy sending him a certified letter if he does not fix it by the 3rd letter then file in court, he can get into alot of trouble for not getting you a fridge when its his responcibility, and if you decided not to bother with all of that and just get your own then you have him pick his up and sign a reciept that he picked it up and the one that is in the apt is yours and stays yours when you move out… OR you can get it and take it out of the rent as long as you have a reciept for it ( so when you buy another one get a reciept)

Offer the landlord anal. Win win

:wtf I just threw up in my mouth a little bit, no f’ing way

wait… aren’t you the girl whos big into anal?

Ok, now that that’s out of the way…
I am, unfortunately, a landlord. He needs to replace that shit. Tell him to give you a $100 to get the one mentioned earlier in this thread.
My tenant would probably pay for the stuff that break downstairs, but I never let her. Not her responsibility, even though I would love to have her pay every time something breaks.

It’s either time for you to really put your foot down, break out your lease agreement you have with the landlord and show him that it his responsibility to replace the appliances no matter how many times they break or you simply need to move out of where you are.

No , never said I was lol…thats gross

ya he said he already bought one so now its my turn, it sucks though cause I dont know how to be a bitch, I feel like I cant be mean, I know its dumb

I need to find a new apt. Im sick of living on the verge of the ghetto lol.

Whhhaaattt? Tell him to knock it off the rent. I know its hard to be a bitch, but sometimes you gotta do it.
Yea, the road you are on is turning for the worst. Get outta there as soon as you can!