WTB: Guillotine

that sounds familiar, i recall hearing something to this affect. we should definitely have an nyspeed meet to build a guillotine though. that would be outstanding. then, when we are finished, we can draw straws to see who is going to get their head cut off so we can test this blinking theory.

hahahah, id be down to build one, what store can we raid to get free lumber? and i think the blade may be difficult to come by, may have to make one, i would think 1/2" thick steel and then sharpen one end?

Wow. I hope you’re kidding. Cuz this was by far the dumbest thing ever said on this forum. Wow.

yes, i was kidding

:lol: I just reread that shit in context. I don’t think you were.

There is nothing I like more than to have more than a guillotine in the old backyard, besides the obvious scare tactic for the thieves and rapists, and the ability to have your own method of citizens death penalty for all the time I wana use it on my all my instances of citizens arrest I feel need real justice instead of putting them through the courts . Plus the endless amount of things you could chop and cut up with it I mean comon just take ten seconds to think of al the things you want to chop in half or even fourths!! seriously take a few seconds ill wait …
ok good by now you want a guillotine also so you will join us in our community build excellent.

I think i read somewhere that the guillotine was used up untill 1970 as a means of “humane” execection

well it is a really fast death

i guess you are just not familiar with sarcasm. oh well. the whole post was a joke until i said that i would get together with people to build a guillotine. i don’t see how you could pass up such an opportunity. so who wants in on this thing?

i am definatly in but only under one condition, i need to get this dead body out of my basement. maybe we could use it as a test subject?

just a thought

ive heard that before.

i thought i heard 15 seconds.

either way would suck BIG time.