WTB: Guillotine

Like the title says, i am looking to buy a guillotine. I was wondering if any of you have one or know where i can pick one up. I was just looking for a little something to spruce up the back yard. Plus, i guess it would be nice to have something laying around the house if i had to deal with any infidels. Let me know what you guys have and keep in mind that I don’t want my pants pulled down on the price either. I’m not looking to spend a fortune on this thing.

my dad has one if you want to come over and use it sometime… he may sell it if the price is right.


is this to be used on stockneon:)???


Ok, this post was funnier than the dog/usps one.

I have one (seriously) it doesn;t have a metal blade in it but can be switched out. I will see if it is for sale.

/\ sick
our cyclops dog might fuck with it tho :expressionless:


they claim that you retain hearing and eyesight for up to 15 minutes after you have been decapitated… i wonder if this is true. there is only one way to find out.

yeah, idk about that…i don’t think you retain hearing and eyesight for that long after a heart attack…

i think 92civicdx has a universal one

yeah, cant be true. no oxygen to the brain = death right away. mayyyybe a minute or so.

well, the brain is apparently active (electrically) for 30-35 minutes after death.

yea. just so you know. when you drown you go brain dead before your heart fails…so without oxygen(i.e. having no body) your brain is pretty much SOL

pics would be nice. i would like to think that i would get a decent break on the price since there is no blade, and, let’s be honest, the blade is the most important part. without a blade, it is basically just a pillory.

as for the rest of you, if you would like to talk to each other about how long a human brain remains active after it gets lopped off by a guillotine, quit jacking my thread and find somewhere else to discuss this matter or else you will find out first hand. :biglaugh: kidding only?

there is some odd posts on this site… nothing beats the kid that cant type right though that is trying to sell someone elses car… why dont you just build one… its not that hard… im sure there is plenty of crazy shit online to make them…

so you think it’s odd that i want to have a device capable of chopping off someone’s head in my back yard at all times? yeah, and i’m the weird one. anyway, you seem to think that it’s easy to build one of these things… apparently you aren’t aware that it took a doctor to invent this thing in the first place. that’s right, i believe it was dr. joseph guillotine who first realized that if you cut someone’s head off, thay will die. p.s…he was french too. anyway, if you think it’s so godamn easy to build a guillotine, i would be more than willing to make your acquaintance in an effort to built a home-made guillotine. let me know how you feel about this.

/\ :rofl:


scale it up, make it to the wanted size… hey we could make it a nyspeed project… making a community guillotine… hell we can take turns showing unwanted people what its all about haha

i actually learned something about this in class today haha, some chemist was to be beheaded or watever in the 1700’ s and wanted to test the theory of how long the head stays alive, after his head was cut off he blinked 14 times