as the title states it is the little black box that sits behind your door panel, would prefer a jdm one becuase it has auto up and down but a usdm one will do.
Is it the control switches or the amps that you want? and for what?
i have the USDM one if you want, it does have auto down, just not up, let me know.
it is for a silvia and as i stated before it is a relay that i need the black box behind the door panel, special k pm me your asking price and #
Sorry, can’t help you out, I have a bunch of a31 switches but they clearly are not the same. My roommates silvia’s window does not work and we’ve been trying to find the issue, and we believe its the amp, which is also not the same as the amps I have. So, if theres anyone with any s13 amps out there as well, I’ll let him know.
git outa here thread jacker