WTB: Mustang

yo Twinkie fuck, I would recommend shutting the fuck up.

Back on topic.

Ya Ive been back on topic…so fuck you I dont care what you think bitch

^ someone ban this asshole lol

+1… seriously wtf

can we stop clogging this thread and move the drama somewhere else please, kthnxbye

Sorry, but I found this to be quite funny…

In all seriousness, is he trying to stay local? Stock? Check out corral.net, there’s many options on that site and for $20g leaves a lot of possibilities.

In regards to the '05’s, I haven’t checked but imagine he’d be able to pick up a lower mileage GT for around $20g…nice thing about those cars is how easy they are to make look good. I’ve seen a few really nice two-tone paint jobs out there that would be fairly inexpensive to do. Big wheels/tires can be found for a reasonable price too…[/LEFT]


don’t ban this ignorant piece of shit, wait till he posts his address so we can stomp this fool out ( jk )

lol i love people from tonawanda ( where else could he be from )

Damn… his custom title changed. :frowning:

Oh well, he’ll be back… or someone just like him T NT is a big place!

dude, you do all look the same :gotme::confused:



what a fucking tard

haha he got banned , finally the mods ban some one for a good cause lol, i got banned before for making fun of the gti cup car jeez.lol

you should have got perma banned for that, no one talk shit about the gti cup car ( even though they are all just a bunch of anti-semites )

This thread is a waste.

No you got banned for going offtopic in motorsports, and I can see that you still haven’t learned your lesson. Keep it up. :ham: