WTB: Oxygen and acetylene tank

I have everything I need to put together a set of cutting torches with the exception of the tanks.

I am looking for an Oxygen tank (full or empty) and an acetylene tank (full or empty)

Please PM me what you have and how much you are looking to get for it.



Rent em , its cheaper when getting filled and no bottle maintenance …

I dont really want to deal with the rental charges and all that… I would just rather own them.

It’s like 3 dollars.a month lol

I understand its a cheap rental fee but I dont like making payments. I would rather own them and never have to pay. I just picked up a tank for my mig welder today and I feel good knowing its mine, i dont have to pay anyone and I can use it as much or as little as I want to :ahh

U can do the same on a rental , ya don’t get more if ya don’t need to .




just get them from a welding supply place. I got my tanks and bought them from United Welding in glenville wasn’t all that expensive.

There are places that will not fill owned tanks unless you have the certs on the tanks, which you have to pay for.

There’s no monthly fee. You just pay ~$200 up front for like ten years, and most places charge less per tank for a full tank of their own vs filling yours.

He isn’t renting them , god guys get the fuckin picture lol

A lot of places won’t fill them unless you rent them like stated already.

Airgas will swap out your tanks for a filled one. I own my tanks and I didn’t buy them there either.

i talked to the guys at united welding in Glenville and they told me as long as the tank dosent say the name of one of any other local company thats still in business they will fill them for me… The tanks are $190 EACH new / full… If I can find a tank or a set of tanks for cheaper enough to make it worth it I will jump on it.

Someone has to have a set of tanks sitting around that they never use.

That is why I rented mine dude , Noone has em or there out of cert , recerting isn’t cheap, better getting new most of the time .

This? how much was a refill I dont think $190 for a new filled tank is a lot.


he doesnt want to pay $190 what makes you think hes gonna pay $350

well that shows what it costs to buy a used set vs. rent a set

thanks for keeping me in mind paul. I already have brand new regulators and hoses with tips and all that… All I need it the actual tanks.

Thanks again