WTB;reliable turbo car,

I shan’t be selling mine.

see, heres the thing…

It doesn’t matter how well built the motor is if the tune isn’t right.

If its not the OEM / factory tune, then it’s not right.

No offense to anyone on here who tunes combos (professionally or as a hobby), but there is not an aftermarket tune in the world that is a RELIABLE as a factory tune.

So, find something from the factory, and learn via it,.



80s 2.3 Turbo Fords
80s Turbo Dodges
1st Gen Probe GTs
Legacy Turbo Sport
Neon SRT-4
Impreza WRX <- Hey look I’m selling one <3 [/Shamelessplug]
Mitsu Eclipse/Laser/Talon
Audi/VW 1.8T

And probably some other common ones I’m missing as well. A stock OEM turbo car will by far be the most reliable in comparison to almost any kit you will ever see, period.

get a subaru, i was about to mention VW or Audi, but thoes fall short of the reliable part. lol

EDIT: buy fuzzyfish’s? lol its vary naice

That’s just about in the order I’d recommend as well… as far as “easy learners” and cost.

Except DSM… reliability

Yeah I was debating on adding it, but it’s quite commonly found and parts availability isn’t terrible either.

well i kno stocks are reliable i just dont want a car with so much power it breaks everytime u use it the way its supposed to be used???preff a honda there easy to work on and i know my around them better then any other car. i want something that u can turbo a stock motor on 9 pounds and it will be fine for a while.

just because a car is turbo from the factory doesnt mean it “has so much power it breaks everytime you use it the way your supposed to”…WRX is best bet. especially for $8k, plus its AWD, and has a really awesome aftermarket…not to mention an expert subaru shop (Innovative) that can help you decide on upgrades as you learn the car.

The thing is factory turbo cars are usually designed to make that amount of power. Most of those cars I lasted are sub 200HP from the factory in stock trim (With some exceptions). And most of them won’t break even if you get on it consistently as they were engineered with that in mind.

And when something does break you can walk into a store and purchase what you need to fix it. Something you can’t always do on a custom setup.

actually… fuzzy’s turbowagon is prolly prime for you, if you want to spend 8k’ish.

If you want something thats fun to beat on and you don’t have to worry about, you can’t really go wrong with turbododge or turboford. they take a helluva beating @ stock & near stock, and are ridiculously cheap & easy to work on.

no i wasnt saying stock cars break i was saying i dont want a honda thats so fast it breaks every time you hammer it something breaks.i just want something in the 250-325 hp range,and works properly.i want a quick easy to learn/work on car. soemthing thats built for the power it has??

Ok. Good luck with that.

i kno any modded car isnt very reliable and with that said i kno they come with responsibility and care.im ready for that. i just want something i can enjoy but drive daily.im a 17 y/o kid who wants to go kinda fast.

If a car is modded right, its super reliable (see my neon).

If you don’t suck at life, and have some $ dsm’s aren’t bad.

Oh right, and can’t forget turbo Saabs. Those things are always forgotten but have potential. But for the power you are looking for reliable and +250HP you might want to consider looking at a LT/LS1 Transmarobird.

Very few turbocharged cars will get near that mark at a reliable point for the amount of money you are looking to spend.

should have keep the honda, that car could have easily made 250 on stock internals (with good tune of coarse)

i had a d seires? and not with puting a buttload of money into it.i just want a semi built turbo car which will make 250 hp comfortly on low boost

A buttload of money? You could have boosted the D-series for 2-3k and made 220-250… “reliably.”