WTB - S13 240sx in GTA

As the title states i’m looking for a s13 240sx preferably little to no rust. Willing to pay up to $6500

Let me know what you have

text - 416 659 1993



Pm or text me and we’ll talk about budget


Edit your original ad with a budget so people don’t waste their time showing you cars you may not be able to afford. This way you’ll actually be able to contemplate purchasing a car from anyone that inquires.


Budget now added.



With your budget, you can have the cleanest s13 towed to your house and have enough for an SR swap.

Sorry, but I rather not go through the hassle of buying a car that’s not registered in Ontario. But yea that’s a super clean chassis

Really isn’t hard getting papers, just requires sworn affidivate.

Anyway, here’s the second best deal. http://www.son240sx.org/showthread.php?238660-93-240sx-Hatch