WTB S13 Chūki 240SX as a first car, on a budget too!

Hi folks

before i was a driver of SON, i always loved the nissan 240sx.
but now that I have my G, and a job :slight_smile: im looking into buying a car, of course being a 240.

im on a tight budget, tight as in i cant go more than $1500
thanks and please let me know if you’re selling a 240 HATCH/FAST BACK
oh yes, 5 spd standard too! GOOD CONDITION as in little to nothing to certify
make sure you have pictures too please


still looking! i got some offers but no responses thanks!!

Hey man im selling an 91 Coupe if your interested and id do 2 grand but only thing is its auto get back at me

thanks but no thanks im looking for a standard 240!

still looking folks! throw in offers thanks

pm me, 89 red hatch , very very very little rust, only under driver mirror. surface rust on strut tower. very nice. only$1000, and brand new brakes…brembo, only 10kms on them. frames are in good shape. seriously. pm me


…this month old quest to find a decent 240 is hard…perhaps 240s are not for me.

It’s been more than a month for me.

Don’t let your hope fade.

If you want a nice 240 you gotta pay more then 1500 i think just save a bit more money there will be alot more avaliable to you i think.

Ouch, are you saying mine wasn’t decent?

yours is pretty damn decent!!!

i meant, decent in my budget. i cannot afford what you offered me any more haha

u still lookin

ya i am
i still have 2 s13’s to check out.

This is probably one of the best times to pick one up as its closing in on summer and chances are quite a few people will want to sell theirs.

Keep checking, it may take some more time but im sure you will find one before summer.

yes im still looking -_-
everytime someone contacts me, they a)dont respond or b) take days to respond.

NVM i bought my car today. thanks for those who

a)sympathized my wanting of a 240 on a student budget.
b)gave me offers for 240s

SON240 crew is sick no doubt about that

pics or ban