Let me know if you got one.
s13s have 4 cylinders right? so do you need all 4? :rolleyes:
I have a spare one …oh wait …nope sorry sold it 36 minutes ago. Tough luck dave.
does it matter if its ABS or not?
Are they different? I have ABS.
yes they are different. ABS cars have a two port master brake cylinder while non ABS cars have 3 ports. you can use a non ABS 3 port master brake cylinder but you need to plug one of the ports.
I might have it on my parts car… unless its attached to the engine and therefore gone.
I have one from my 240 dave. It’s non-ABS however…
I have new ones at my work that i will cut you a deal on if you want.
How much new, roughly?
WOW thats all i can say