WTB: s13 or cute car (2dr)

This is for a really good friend of mine,

She does not want to spend more then $1500 but wants something fun,
So let me know what you have guys or can get me.

She is in Hamilton and I am in mississauga, I will be the one checking out the car for her.

Jesse’s FB? Only thing I can think of off the top of my head that is actually fun, and is not a total rust bucket that’ll fall apart in a week.

a Ill have to message him on msn , or he can message me,

Pics of girl (preferablly nude) so we can determine what type of car suits
her the best :dunno:

^^^ hahahah


hahaha ok ill see what I can do

It is the Girl in the pink shorts


ok ok ok really it is for the girl in the Middle. so hook her up with something nice.


I also need to find something for my GF now also. Something Safe, Reliable and auto

I seriously threw up in my mouth.


It’s too bad that guy isn’t around anymore.

so BEEN SOON, you need a ride for your BF eh…?


Hahahahaha, Been Soon’s real good “friend” :boink:

guys, you have never seen BEEN SOON in pink hot pants??

Neither have I… until today…

haha that is pretty freaking funny.

and how do you know that is me??


someone photoshop bings face onto this guy!

cradle robber!
