Bro, im the KING of driving un-legit shit lol, but im at the point where I just dont want to do it anymore, especially on a car that I dont even think would make it… When I was 17, I bought a 5 speed car not even knowing how to drive 5 speed 3 hours away from where I lived lol… I FORGOT my plates, the car only had 1 hid bulb, exhaust was loud as fuck and obviously it wasnt registered or insured… Another time I traded my old del sol for a lifted toyota truck and was driving it to my mechanic and the fucking clutch went at exit 9 on the northway. I took my plates off, took my title and left that shit there by itself until triple A came to get it… WORST time EVER was me buying a eclipse spyder and driving it to nyc for xmas with switched plates, im on my way back to albany and the car blows up by the coxsackie exit… State trooper SEES me pulled over flashes his lights, asks me whats up and lets me sit in his car until triple A came not even knowing im driving a car thats 100% UN-legit!! lol