WTB soon, cheap as phuk

My buddy needs a car, bad.

Rusty, ugly, pieces of shit. As long as they run and will pass inspection fairly easily, he wants it.

Cum stains in the back? Cool. Cum stains in the front? Better.

For escorts are good, cavaliers, etc. No neons. Pre 96 automatics preferred.

Price range… 500 bucks. I know it’s a stretch, but the kid is poor as fuck and has nearly no money. Tires can be pretty much destroyed as long as they hold air. Let me know what you’ve got and maybe we can work something out. Looking to buy in a few weeks I think.

I might have something for him, but it’s standard… if your buddy learns to put his man pants on it might work.

Shoot me a PM. I’ll see if he wants to learn. I can teach him easy enough if he wants to.

has your buddy ever heard of craigslist?

If your wife wanted a car would you recommend she peruse craigslist for the first 500 dollar hunk of shit she saw?

He asked me to help him find a car because he doesn’t know anything about cars. I posted here because I don’t expect to get scammed by some piece of shit here.

Any more questions?

well Im single.

But honestly does it matter if a $500 POS is from somebody you know/kinda know or a stranger?

Still gonna be a POS.

I want to know why it is a piece of shit, not just that it’s a piece of shit. If some one here says “this” is wrong with it, I believe them and will help him fix that. If some tool on craigslist says “this” is wrong with it, I can’t trust that they’re right. I’m not incredibly knowledgeable about every platform out there either, so I can’t just figure out what might be wrong with something in the few minutes I’ll get to look at it/test drive it. That’s why I said ford escorts are preferred.

good luck man, not easy… you get what ya pay for… if he had like 1200 ide sell my E30 to him, its fun as fuck and i drive it everyday… just looks hoopty =/

He definitely can’t afford that. Lost his job because the orphan program he is in wouldn’t give him rides to work and the bus didn’t run at the time his shifts started… so he’s only got 900 bucks. He still has to cover tax, title, and registration and insurance… so he really needs the cheapest pos out there.

Thanks though dude

jesus christ, no one can let him borrow a car for a while or some shit ?


I would if I had a second car to register in the winter. None of his friends really have cars except his girlfriend and she works too so she can’t give him rides all of the time. It’s kind of a shitty situation, with his old job not working with his schedule and the people that are supposed to be helping doing nothing to help.

It’s not about the sob story though. I don’t want anyone to feel bad for him or anything lol. He just needs a car and is willing to drive pretty much anything that will get him 4-5 miles to work and home until he can save up some money for something a little better.

I’m hoping an escort with a blown timing belt comes up for sale soon. All of the shop manuals say they’re interference engines, but they aren’t. So shops quote people 2-3k to fix them when it’s doable for 100 bucks and two hours of work. Easily snatchable for 500 bucks.

If not, I’m hoping one of you guys has something that has some life left in it

Just find him a honda parts are easily aquired for cheap and you usually can snag em cheap specially automatics… And It literally takes 2 mins to look over a honda and determine whether its junk or not. so you can pretty much deal with anyone. with $500 you usually take a gamble regardless just get the most for ur money.

Dude, clean car:


Cheap too. Try getting them down in price.

HEre’s another needs minor repair:


Tell him to come up with a little more cash and pick this up:


I’m asking $800

I have an 88 Chevy nova thats rusty and dented but super reliable that I have been running around with but I just got a new winter beater so I could let that go for $350.

The only problem with it is I lost the keys a while back so it has an “alternative” way of starting but very easy and safe way of starting that only you would be able to start

Is that an EX jdaniels?

DX, new clutch, timing belt and MP3 CD Player. New pads/shoes within the last year. 12x,000 miles

I got a car for you that I personally pickeed up today ita an olds cutlass ciera 95 some rust but its great everything works 500 bucks handles like a boeing 747 on pavement

Must buy by Monday or parting out and scraping on Tuesday brand new tires