WTB:Small Car under $4500

I’m looking for a small car that has a
*Automatic Transmission
*Under 100k miles on the BODY
*Either a v6 or 4cylinder (anything but 2.4 L engine)
*Sedan/Hatchback/Coupe Size
(Preferably size similar to Chevy Cavalier,Honda Civic,Pontiac Sunfire,etc.)
*Under or near $4500

I’m looking for a first car.I’m going to either commute or far away to school next year and I need something reliable.

Have you tried craigslist? There are a shit-ton of Maximas on there around that price range. And with the karma craze going on right now, you might want to edit V4 for I4 before you get zee reds.


everything you want.



katie , this is the one i was telling my sister to tell you about ^^^

OOO another girl… 10 bucks says someone drives her out of her in under a week

Via Google search… I feel dirty

Rapleaf Directory: Kelsaybabi - kelsea butler
Kelsch091. Age: 16, Gender: female, Location: New York, New York, US. Kelsch811. Age: 30, Gender: male, Location: LAS VEGAS, Nevada, US …

excuse me? if you’re going to try to make me sound like an idiot who knows nothing about cars the least you could do is spell correctly.

thank you =)

Use. Punctuation. Thanks.

She ninja edited her post before I could rape her spelling…

You win this round kelsch091…

Wow. I’m just trying to look for a car people.
I’m on a time crunch and I figured I’d try this site as well besides craigslist. I’ve looked at 6 cars already and I’ve found nothing but crap.
I didn’t think people would get so rude.
Thanks for such a warm welcome!:biglol:

Wow. Go act like a four year old somewhere else. Thanks.

Is there a reason you looked up my information? That is just plain weird. Why would you need to know my age? Do you not believe that I’m not sincere in what I post or something? You know, I know what I’m talking about for the most part. I grew up in a family of boys who work on cars for cruise nights and drag races. So please, if you’re trying to drive me out of this website,you’re going to have to try just a little bit harder :smiley:

please post who you get PMs from. LOL

Don’t get offended. There’s plenty of solid cars up here for sale for that price range.

If you need help finding one just send ilcisdead some pics and a phone number. He’ll be more than willing to help.

Why would I need to send him pictures? That doesn’t make sense.

he doesnt help uggos.

lol they’re just screwing with you. Don’t take it too seriously/literally