WTB: SSN & Birth Certificate, or just a clean passport

Just as the title says.

[because addictd2boots locked the orig thread b4 proper mockery could take hold]



Off topic.If you lose or ruin your social security card. Just buy one illegally because the social security office is not worth the wait. I spent three hours there yesterday. One lady was a retard factory.She had three retarded kids.I just wanted to get up and scream STOP FUCKING

lol I was just about to post something to this effect. I was going to ask for a fake NY license. You sir win

ill sell my kids he is only 18 months…200 bucks or trade a fmic :gotme:

ill sell mine for a boost gauge and fmic or 300

both for a hot water tank

^I’ve got an FMIC for yah, i don’t think it’ll fit a honda tho. Trade for the wifes ssn?


you should have referenced the thread that caused this:


I was going to post. FS:2009 inspection sticker. I don’t wanna be banned today I have a long day of work


the funny thing is, I have one that is valid until december of this year that is no longer attached to a vehicle… but i doubt that it will be re attachable, it got a little torn up

I would’ve responded: YOU’RE NOT A SPONSOR!


None of those acronyms mean FS do they?

500 and a hot water tank for the wife’s

shit man, I need to cross the border soon, you know how long it would take to come up with a HWT??

:lol: i approve :tup:

FR: My license, SS#, and passport. One weekend for one case of magic hat straight up.

So…parody threads are now kosher?

ok then.

in this instance yes, because now the original posted will hopefully get the point :stuck_out_tongue: