WTB/T: EBC (boost controller)

I’m lookin for a WORKING electronic boost controller. My profec A is ancient and won’t hold 20psi steadily, and my manual boost controller wont go over 15psi. :shake:
Text 416-894-6204 with whatever you have please and thank you.
See: profec b, blitz sbc, evc, etc. If you want I can trade my mbc + cash or if you’re interested in my profec a it holds lower boost levels fine just nothing over like 14psi… I’m very happy with it otherwise in my opinion I prefer the a over the b but it’s time to move on. I also have a crapload of other parts if you’re interested in a partial trade.
Thanks guys


i have a brand new avcr in box 350


All my DSM friend just use Industrial Aire Pressure Regulators. It does the trick. They hold 35psi all day long. Just a thought.

My EBC is doing the same thing as yours. Won’t hold 20 psi consistantly. My guess is that the Solenoid is sticking.
Try cleaning it or get a replacement one. They are fairly generic.