WTB: Ties!

Lol,i have to expand my tie collection for my new job anyways if anyone has some decent ones

Please include pictures.

Ties: Anything that looks decent no crazy shit lol
Let me know what u got!

dude, go to tj maxx or something. why do you want our used dress clothes?

why not im not sure about my job lol so i dont wnat to go out spending tons of money for something im not even sure about…So that only why im asking lol let me edit my post…

lol. I thought railroad ties, or maybe tires… never fucking neck ties lol

i dont really think people sell ties? you would probably get a better deal at some where like tj maxx or kohls or jcpenny or whatever

how much money are you really saving from buying used ties?

Dude I’d totally buy a stock of ties off an old man.


I bet J_espo1 has some.

Ties are no fuckin joke expensive…$25 each on sail about $17…for a piece of fabric that goes around your neck. hahah what is this world coming to im on a money saver. i can save a buck here and there why not.

thrift store? i got a sweet sabres one there once.

ive got some tires


I say fuck the ties! Howie Mandel style baby, thats savin some money deal or no deal?!
