If you have the vents that go on the very top near the windsheild for cheap let me know
Ummm ill try to find some, but its the top vent , the very top, you can see them throw the windsheild. Used for defrosting
jdm (180sx) vents are different from usdm vents due to rhd dash, u can prolly make em fit if u cut/trim the clips thats supposed to hold them in place?
i kno this because i tried fitting vents from a jdm front clip that had sun sensor (digi climate control) into my dash but no luck.
i may have an extra pair thats not broken up…gottta look for em if i still have em
Really, they look identical, and thats what that little sensor thingy is? lol
Check and see if you have them and give them to me