wtb turbo for cheap

lokking for a turbo to put in my volvo cuz i blew my seals in the old one

I have a small t3 , give it too ya for 30 .
Its got no shaft play and still looks pretty good. A buddy gave it too me along with some other stuff.LMK. text /call 5185734757

Its just sitting around as a paper weight

volvo T3 flanges arent normal T3 style flanges. the turbine inlet is different.

Remove the turbo and have it rebuilt, so long as the shaft/ wheels are good still it shouldnt bee that expensive.

^^ what he said

what is the ballpark to have a turbo re-built? and are there locals that do it?

what volvo do you have? i have a few turbos hang around for 850 and s70

The Turbo Shop in Syracuse rebuilds them for cheap and has fast turnaround time…


thanks for the info. did anyone look at the pics of the chevy 3500 turbo build on that site? interesting placement

HAHA… that thing has way too much power… its pretty sweet actually… everytime they have tried to get it on a dyno it jumps it… If you like that you should check out there other shop…

I have a Turbonetics 60-1 (425hp-625hp) no shaft play. Eh ;)??