WTB (wanted to borrow) OBD2 scanner

Anyone have one I could borrow tonight? Amherst/Buffalo area.


You can stop by my shop and i’ll pull the codes…or there’s autozone if you want something closer.

Only problem is the car barely runs, which is why I was hoping to borrow a scanner from someone. I have plan B for tomorrow if borrowing one doesn’t work out.

u can rent one at autozone

I didn’t think so, but I justed called them to make sure. No, they do not rent it out. You have to bring the car in.

its kinda odd they let me :gotme:

Which one did you go to?

union and cleveland

Ha, that’s the one I called. Oh well, I’m towing it over there this afternoon anyway. I just ordered a scanner on Ebay, so next time it won’t be an issue.

good luck