WTB/WFF: Verizon LG VX8300 Battery...

What can I say, I don’t feel like buying a new phone…

Battery dies after a 15 minute conv. and I’m getting annoyed. These phones were popular, anyone got an old one that they don’t need the battery on anymore?


Any help would be greatly appreciated…


should be able to get one new for like $30 at any verizon store. chances are any used one will be toast too…


Right, but I’d rather not spend the 30 if there’s someone out there with this phone sitting somewhere unused, with no intent to be used again…

Ok guys, I just finished booking a $3500 trip to Barcelona in Janaury, and I am going to be a tight fuck for the next few months…

ANYONE at all have one of these batteries???

i used to work for verizon, and my cousin and i have some family members that do. ill see if i can snag you one for free if you dont mind coming to get it

I don’t mind at all…

Much appreciated dude…

I’ll make it up to you…

If he doesn’t find one I have an extra one for ya. Pick up in G.I. or Tona. no charge of course.