CDMA cell phone questions?

My fiance and I both have LG VX6100’s. They’re about a year old. The batteries won’t hold much of a charge anymore. Where should I get replacements? I’m thinking about getting 1400mAh batteries and doors off of Ebay but I really don’t like buying electronics off of there. Too much of a chance of DOA, even though I could get a pair for $20 shipped. Anywhere locally that isn’t going to be a rip off?

i have seen instances with batteries bought online killing phones. its rare, but happens. be careful, try to buy from someone with a bunch of feedback.

i do have them here, not that cheap though.

have you tried the store at your cell phone provider?

i had to get one before…it was 15 bucks…they aren’t that much $$

thats madd cheap. with 2 d’s

I have sprint, i just went to the sprint store in the mall, and said my phone wasn’t charging.

The guy just opened a retail battery box and installed the new battery in my phone right there for no charge.

Any recommended Verizon stores/kiosks around? It’s been my experience that their customer service sucks at best so I’m hesitant to bother asking them.

where have you gone in the past? i mean yea no everyone is peachy all day everyday, and sometimes their are just plain stupid people, but VZW has the highest rated CS (tied with tmobile, to be technical)

Walden store is usually pretty helpful with my stuff.

Hmm, I’m kinda getting the itch for a new phone. It’s been about 15 months, but I signed a 2 year contract with this one. What options do I have? There’s no SIM card to swap like on a GSM networked phone. Can I replace the phone without the Verizon being involved? Are there any options through Verizon, such as contract renewal or whatnot?

Verizon will do a contract renewal at any time; if you wait until you have wither 2 or 4 months left on the contract they will give you $100 off a new phone.

I’ve had good luck and overall a good experience at the one on Walden, just east of Union myself.

^Maybe I’ll swing by there after work today and see what options they give me. I’ve got like 11 months left on my contract so it’ll be a while before I’m eligible for any standard upgrades/renewals.

Found this on the web, does it sound accurate?

You just need to contact Verizon Wireless once you receive the replacement phone and ask them to do what they call “an ESN Change.” The Verizon Wireless operator will ask you the ESN number of your phone (usually found behind the battery or on the cellphone box) and your current phone number. Then you are ready to use your new replacement phone as they will activate your new phone over the air in no time!

Bah, nevermind I’m becoming what I hate. I’m prodding for questions here when a simple phone call could answer my question. :tup:

11 months left, the only line that might be eligable is the primary.

that $100 discount, is ONLY EVER available on the primary. ONLY after 22 months.

yes you can get a new phone from ebay or somewhere and put it on your account. corporate stores will charge $20 to do it, along with some retailers. calling CS, they will also charge you $20. my store does not, we do it as a courtesy. also transfering your phone book over at corporate/most retailers is a $10 fee.

^Where’s your store?

in east aurora, but im on vaca till tuesday/wednesday