Who buys used cell phones?

I have three used cellphones that I am about to toss. Sprint and verizon ones. Is there a place that buys these? I dont have the boxes…just the chargers and phones.

Ebay, or even on here…

I’ll be selling a RazR V3 is a few weeks likely.


donate them to the poor for christmas

try to sell em… craigslist? the phones any good?

donate them


I sell tons of old phones and even broken ones on ebay.

there are websites that do… there was a thread about this already

The batteries may need replacing but overall the phones are in working condition.

is it really worth the hassle for 50 bucks?

ill buy them for the cost of shipping… i can use them for research!


HOW MUCH what kind verizon

my chocolate is a piece of flaming shit and has broken 6 times… and verizon sucks with their plan it’s gotta break 3 times in 90 days… both times it was like 100 days… :frowning:

ill take anything even a downgrade lol

I was looking for a used pda phone for verizon a few weeks ago, and actually, still looking.

What kind of phones are they?

i have plenty. pm me