WTB: Wide band O2 Sensor (or group buy)

Looking for one if somebody has one availible, or checking to see if anyone is interested in a group buy. Cant do antyhing with emanage until i get one. So if anyone wants to organize a group buy for these (not sure if there was one recently) but we can organize it big enough over the winter cause im not in any rush to tune it until then anyways.

A good system is the Zeitronix WB O2 sensor. Very good pricing, and it does a lot.

I’m in no rush but if you organize a group buy on the aem gauge one i’m in…

i’d be interested in a group buy. . .

I’m running a Zietronix the Type-R as well and I found it to be awesome. It is capable of measure EGT and Boost (with extra sensors) as well as Lambda and A/F

I would be interested.

Depends on price and brand

Aem Ugo is one i would consider as well as the Zietronix

Autodream or someone should get on this.

Anyone have any experience with the Innovative LM-1 ???

Yeah my buddy got it, nice piece, nice options, frickin huge and ugly though…like i said, aem ftw…

I have heard that the AEM unit is inaccurate…

Well im looking for one that going to work well with the greddy emanage, i heard the ultra can auto tune it generally and its easier to tune it precisly. Not familiar with whats the best wideband sensor to get.

I’d recomned the ZT-2 also. I use it and it has a narrowband output so that it can tap into any major tuning system.

Also, Zeitronix is still small enough that will be more than willing to do a groupbuy…where are AEM might not