Where can I get one locally? Anyone work for a store that has stock?
I have seen them in quite a few places now. Check Best Buy, Kmart, Walmart, Toys R Us.
i know gamestop on mckinley has a few new ones and a few used ones
Awesome! I will check for this. thanks!
what do you plan on getting it for? any specific games?
because we got one…and a month later i got my XBOX 360…and i never use the Wii any more…and if i do it’s only for the game it came with, Wii Sports…
If it’s for group entertaining or a gift for somebody else my post is worthless…but if it’s just for yourself…then i’d think twice…sure you may have enjoyed it at a friend’s before…but it’s not really that fun alone…
My gf has one. I actually enjoy playing golf, skiing and the WII Fit is cool. I am not much of a gamer on consoles…I play games on PC. This would be to kill some time during the long winter ahead.