wii fit

Any one know where i can get one

Gamestop in BV had them in stock a few days ago … So did wal mart in Washington

game stop has them so does walmart. i still need to get wii. i want that game too.

I have seen them all over the place…target, gamestop, best buy, walmart. I haven’t been out shopping for a few days though, maybe a lot go purchased during the after thanksgiving rush.

A month ago…before the holiday shopping season started. I heard a gamestop employee telling a woman not too long ago that they expected the wii and wii fit to become very hard to find from mid november on.

i heard from a walmart employee that most walmarts got over 200 of them (the wiis) before black friday, and laot of them are overstocked.

Nintendo is spreading rumors that they will be impossible to find so there is another rush to buy them.

They were in such “short demand” last year that people were going crazy over them - yet everyone I know who wanted one found one. Now, a year later, they are claiming to not be able to meet demand again? I call Marketing… (as opposed to BS)

I got my Wii in the first month it was out with no reservation and I got Wii Fit on the first day with no pre-order. Luck? Nah, I’m not that lucky. I think this is a false sense of shortage.

I think the supplies are cyclical in a lot of stores, but everyone I know has also been able to find one. I would just use the phone, somewhere certainly has them.

Also check online stores. I know there were a lot of sales on monday and I am sure there are still some left at places like amazon.

gamestop i thought had them on sale as well, 10 bucks off original price. the wii’s are everywhere this year. for the first time since it came out i walked into many stores and seen wii’s in stock.

i had to wait 5 hrs in line the first week it came out to get mine.

yeah. its amazing that they are only still finally starting to become available.

i waited 12 hours. it blew.

I been waiting 2 years and 14 days. waiting till it’s at goodwill.

im waiting till i dont have a car payment

honestly, the best game for the wii is wii sports haha. i still play that a good bit. other than that the xbox gets all the love

i dominate wii bowling at work… my wii at home isn’t even hooked up :frowning:

great story tell again !

got one last night


My mom and I could not find one, so she had to resort to Ebay. Cost like 15 bucks extra, but it was better than driving all over town trying to find one.

when buying a wii do any games come with it