WTB: WoW Account

wonderin if any one has an alliance hunter non pvp server they wanna get rid of at a decent level lookin for another character to play letme know

dont do it

lol i used to have a hunter he got banned and i wanna play another, they got another expansion comin out next year

I have a level 591 hunter account with a p2s add on and the mp3 feature…


I never thought huge nerd corner could benefit from a classifieds subsection.

Oh wait, it still can’t.

I have a 53 alliance human priest (shadow) hanging out on Lothar (PvE)

I think I have a 30 hunter somewhere…

nerds! lol

like u plugs dont play video games right i forgot you got ur homo ps3 and xbox pieces of shit

is a plug what a PC gamer calls a console gamer?

All I read was “blah blah blah, I live in my moms basement, blah blah, so what if I am still a virgin”


is a plug what a PC gamer calls a console gamer?


:lol: I’m wondering the same thing

i was thinkin plug was short for butt plug… AKA gay?

could be wrong