Any WoW players here?

If so, what server do you play on, and horde or alliance?
i have a dwarf on thrall, level 1 just started, and horde 80’s on chromaggus, and one 80 on Scarlet Crusade, also horde.

I had a 69 ally on Illidan, and numerous other alts on random servers. I was recently considering getting back into to it, on Draenor, a normal server (ally side) with my cousin. Let me know if you might be interested…

There’s a few things to catch up on :slight_smile:

hmm i am interested! let me know when!.

ahh reading that now that you mister!

ShiftDead is a beast at WoW but does no longer play due to him putting his cock in a vice (the woman doesnt approve)

hmm i read thru alot of the old threads, and nothing is updated, so i stand by this one for people who do play still.
Post up what server and what not.

Did he or does he wish to get rid of his account?
And um, i am a female and i approve of wow!

i don’t play on a real server cause im too lazy to pay lol but i play on my friends server im a draf and level 10, i just started playing it i just wanted a change from guild wars since im a level 20 in there and thats the highest you can get in guild wars. anyways i’ll get back on topic…

not a fan of free private servers, they are kinda lame since you can cheat the system so easily, besides im looking for people i can play with, and level with.
I have several level 80 toons that are all horde, looking for something different, maybe alliance whatever, but i just want to play with others that are local, instead of just randoms i do not know.

False statement.

I have on Thrall:

80 Dwarf Hunter
80 Night Elf Rogue
80 Dwarf Paladin
62 Dwarf Death Knight

Oh yea, Jon; I started playing again :banghead:. Sorry for not calling LOL

i play every so often on skullcrusher ally

80dk, 75 pally, 70 mage

I play farmtown on facebook

I played from opening day till last fall.

Want to buy my 70 mage and a bunch of random alts? haha

NSFW language:

I’m the GM of Aurora on Khaz Modan - Horde side.
Tinsill - 80 Shaman resto
Audree - 75 Warlock
Tindorii - 72 Priest
Tinmoo - 70 Hunter

Don’t judge me!

Used to be GM of Knights of the Horde on Chromaggus til I quit a couple months ago. 80 dk and some other high level stuff

What guild? May i join? i have a dwarf hunter i am leveling, but i can start a death knight if you want, make it to 80 faster.
i am looking to start an alliance character somewhere, i have too many horde, and have always wanted to try alliance.

Youre playing again Nick???

Ahhhhh, you make we wanna pick back up soooooo badly… Everyone I know is playing again.

haha fucking nerds

