Looking for a cheap computer to continue on my project. Doesn’t need to be anything special, just working and has a functioning copy of windows on it and a cd drive. Like a pentium 2 or something like that. Needs to be cheap.
Kicking myself because i threw my old computers away a couple months back thinking i’d never need them.
I know alot of you have your old computers sitting in your basement not being used. Let me know what you got.
Well, How much do you want for it? i don’t really need much speed for what i’m doing. An old 386 could do what i want to use it for but i’d like XP on it at least just so i’d know how to use it.
i have a pretty beat up Acer laptop i can let go for $100
40gb HDD
hinges are busted… cant open or close it just stays open placed against the wall or with some kind stand or bracket…
couple keyboard buttons are missing…
other than that it runs and operates perfectly fine!
running a fresh copy of Windows XP SP3 with Vista theme (Authorized and Registered)
lots of software!! Adobe Photoshop, MS Office, etc…